Baby names and their meaning Noah

    Babynames firstnames    Baby names and meaning


Noah is a girl's name (50%) and Noah is a boy's name (50%). Noah is a unisex name for girls and boys.

What does my name mean Noah? What is the meaning of the name Noah

  • - A name from the bible.

(This meaning has been added by our visitors, we do not guarantee that the meaning is correct.)

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Alternative to Noah, variants and spelling differences of Noah:

Manoah     Anna-noah     Yanoah     J’noah     Jenoah     Janoah     Anoah     Chenoah     Genoah     Enoah     Jannoah     Ynoah     Noaha     Néïa    ...

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Numerology Name: NameNumber Noah

The personal name number for Noah is 2 team spirit

Noah namenumber 2

Read: Which character belongs to name number 2 : Team spirit ?

Trends: How popular is Noah on Findababyname?