Information about your Pregnancy offers a lot of information about your Pregnancy.
Calculate your due date

If you fill the first day of your last period or your due date we tell you that you are expected to give birth around ...
What will I need when my baby will be born?

Here is a good layette and nursery list with all the explanations about what you really need.
Early pregnancy symptoms and early signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms: what to expect. Below is a list of the most likely things you can experience with pregnancy. These include both early symptoms and those appearing later.
Pregnant How To Feel Great During Winter

One of the key factors to stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy is by being active, so start your daily exercise routine. This will also help you during the Christmas period.
How many weeks am I pregnant?
How long have I been pregnant? Calculate how long you are already pregnant and the calculated date of your pregnancy.
Predict the color of your baby's eyes! Do the quiz!
Curious about the color of your baby's eyes? Answer the following 2 questions and check the result of the online eye color quiz!
Predict the hair color of your baby? Take the quiz!
Curious about which hair color your baby has the best chance of? Answer the following 2 questions and check the result of the online hair color test!
Nice to read

Take our free online pregnancy test!Pregnancy test online

BOY-or-GIRL quiz! Gender of baby boy or girl? Test!BOY-or-GIRL quiz: online test!

Baby names and meaningBaby names and meaning

Your pregnancy week to weekPregnancy week to week

Online pregnancy test resultsPregnancy test results

Calculate your due dateDue date calculator

Predict the hair color of your baby? Take the quiz!Color of your baby's hair

Quiz: Are you ready for pregnancy?Quiz: Am I ready for pregnancy

Taking an early and extra sensitive pregnancy testEarly pregnancy test

5 weeks pregnant5 weeks pregnant

19 weeks pregnant19 weeks pregnant